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Contemplation and Self-Transcendence: A Journey Within

Beth Bradford

Nov 22, 2022

We often think of self-transcendence as something we achieve through positive action – but it can also be reached through a more passive approach.

When most people think of self-transcendence, they think of activities such as meditation, prayer, or yoga. While these can be effective methods for achieving self-transcendence, there is another approach that is often overlooked: contemplation.

Contemplation is the process of quietly letting go of your thoughts and feelings without reacting to them. It is a way of seeing God in a new light, and it can lead to a state of self-transcendence.

Via Negativa is a method of contemplation that involves focusing on stripping away words or images of God. It is a way of going beyond the ego and transcending the self. In a world that loves to cling to identities or groups, via negativa is about letting those go and dissolving those artificial boundaries.

What Is via Negativa?

The via negativa is a way of seeking knowledge of God through union with him, transcending reason and avoiding definitions. In order to achieve this, you must first purify and humble yourself. This can be done through prayer and praise, as well as through silence until, in pure devotion, God's presence is experienced.

The idea behind the via negativa comes from a Latin phrase used initially in Christian Theology to explain what God is by focusing on what he isn't. It is a way of seeking knowledge that goes beyond reason and avoids definitions. Through this method, you come to know God through union with him, transcending the self.

The Path of Neti Neti--"Not this, Not that"

The Path of Neti Neti is the yogic path of contemplation and self-transcendence.

The goal of this path is to renounce the self and find God. This is done by negating everything that the self is not. Neti neti is a Sanskrit expression meaning "not this, not that". It is used in apophatic (or negation) theology to describe the Divine.

Renunciation is an important part of negation theology, as it allows us to transcend the limitations of the self. When we let go of our attachments, we open ourselves up to the Divine.

Jnana Yoga and the Path of Contemplation

In order to transcend the self, you must first understand who and what you are.

Jnana yoga is the yoga of knowledge and wisdom, involving contemplation and self-inquiry. In order to understand who and what you are, you must first go beyond the surface level. You must look within and explore all aspects of your being.

Jnana yoga can be helpful in addiction recovery, as it emphasizes knowledge and understanding of the self. By exploring who you are and what you desire, you can begin to let go of those things that no longer serve you. You can find peace and happiness within yourself, without relying on external things or people.

Transcending the Self Through Contemplation

In order to transcend the self, one must first engage in contemplation. Contemplation is a process of entering into an experience of being free with God, transcending desires, evil, self-centeredness, and selfishness. This is done through self-purification and transcending the self. The via negativa is a method of seeking to have knowledge of God through union with him, transcending reason and avoiding definitions.

In order to achieve union with God, one must first transcend the self. This is done through contemplation. Contemplation is a process of entering into an experience of being free with God, transcending desires, evil, self-centeredness, and selfishness. The via negativa is a method of seeking to have knowledge of God through union with him, transcending reason and avoiding definitions.

Contemplation is the key to self-transcendence. Through contemplation, we can enter into an experience of being free with God, transcending desires, evil, self-centeredness, and selfishness. The via negativa is a method of seeking to have knowledge of God through union with him, transcending reason and avoiding definitions.

FAQs on via Negativa and Self-Transcendence

1. What is Via Negativa?

Via Negativa is the practice of self-transcendence through negation. That is, by negating or removing the distractions and false beliefs that keep us trapped in our small selves, we can open up to a higher truth.

2. What are the benefits of Via Negativa?

The benefits of Via Negativa are many and varied, but they all ultimately lead to a sense of peace, joy, and love. By removing the things that keep us stuck in our problems, we can open up to new perspectives and ways of being.

3. How do I practice Via Negativa?

There are many ways to practice Via Negativa, but one of the most effective is through contemplation. By taking time to sit quietly and simply observe your thoughts, you can begin to see the patterns that keep you trapped in your small self. From there, you can start to let go of these patterns and move into a more spacious way of being.


The contemplative journey is not easy. It's a difficult path that is often filled with darkness and confusion. But if you are patient and persevering, the rewards are great. Through the via negativa, the neti neti, and the practice of jnana yoga, you can begin to transcend the self and find true peace and understanding.

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