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Contemplation, Mysticism, and Meditation

Dec 21, 2023

Navigating the Abyss: Evagrius Ponticus's Insights into Depression

Depression, or melancholia, is one of the eight thoughts that plague your spiritual journey.

Navigating the Abyss: Evagrius Ponticus's Insights into Depression

Aug 13, 2023

The Noonday Demon: Understanding Acedia and Spiritual Boredom

Being stuck in our thoughts can have us reaching for distractions and escape.

The Noonday Demon: Understanding Acedia and Spiritual Boredom

Jul 18, 2023

Is God in the Brain? Insights from Neuroscience

Research shows that we experience transcendence when a part of the brain is less active.

Is God in the Brain? Insights from Neuroscience

Jul 16, 2023

The Surprising Truth: Why Not All Meditation Techniques Work for Everyone

Some make you feel good, some help with stress

The Surprising Truth: Why Not All Meditation Techniques Work for Everyone

Dec 4, 2022

A Beginner's Guide to Lectio Divina: Powerful Prayer Through Scripture Contemplation

Lectio divina—or "divine reading"—is a type of prayer that involves reading Scripture slowly and contemplatively, with the purpose of encountering God.

A Beginner's Guide to Lectio Divina: Powerful Prayer Through Scripture Contemplation

Dec 3, 2022

Understanding the Difference Between Mindfulness and Meditation

Many use the term interchangeably, but there are subtle differences

Understanding the Difference Between Mindfulness and Meditation

Nov 27, 2022

The Benefits of Examining Your Conscience

This age-old practice keeps us humble and allows us to live life with integrity

The Benefits of Examining Your Conscience

Nov 27, 2022

The Examen: A Daily Reflection That Can Change Your Life

The Examen is a simple prayerful reflection on your day that was pioneered by St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits.

The Examen: A Daily Reflection That Can Change Your Life

Nov 22, 2022

Contemplation and Self-Transcendence: A Journey Within

We often think of self-transcendence as something we achieve through positive action – but it can also be reached through a more passive approach.

Contemplation and Self-Transcendence: A Journey Within

Nov 5, 2022

The Bhagavad Gita on the Nature of the Mind

When you say you're "out of your mind," which mind are you talking about?

The Bhagavad Gita on the Nature of the Mind

Oct 31, 2022

The Teachings of Al-Hallaj: Oneness, Love, and the Divine

For centuries, people have been turning to the teachings of al-Hallaj for guidance on love and the divine. Al-Hallaj was a Persian mystic who preached about oneness and love, and his teachings continue to inspire people around the world.

The Teachings of Al-Hallaj: Oneness, Love, and the Divine

Oct 30, 2022

The Mystical Teachings of St. Teresa of Avila

St. Teresa of Avila is one of the most renowned mystics of the Catholic Church. Her teachings on contemplation and spiritual growth have inspired people for centuries.

The Mystical Teachings of St. Teresa of Avila

Oct 26, 2022

How to Incorporate Self-Reflection Into Your Daily Life

You've probably heard the term "self-reflection" before, but what does it actually mean? And more importantly, how can you incorporate it into your daily life?

How to Incorporate Self-Reflection Into Your Daily Life
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