How Can Reason Overrule Our Emotional Mind? Stoicism Explained
Stoics believed that emotions are not inherently bad, but that we should strive to keep them under control. They believed that we should not be ruled by our emotions, but rather use reason to guide our actions.
Have you ever felt like there's something more to life than what meets the eye? That your true self is hiding just beyond the edges of your conscious awareness, waiting to be discovered? If so, you're not alone.
The Dangers of Confirmation Bias: Why We Need to Be Careful What We Believe
If you're not careful, confirmation bias can lead you down a path of believing things that aren't true. Learn more about this dangerous phenomenon and how to avoid it.
Applying Self-Enhancement Theory in Your Everyday Life
The self-enhancement theory posits that individuals are motivated to maintain a positive self-image and will seek out situations that allow them to do so.
Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Understand Persuasion
If you want to understand how persuasion works, you need to know about the elaboration likelihood model. Click to learn more about this psychological theory.